How to Get (and Stay) Connected as a Ukrainian Immigrant in the United States

So you’ve moved from Ukraine to the United States and are figuring out how to set up the next chapter in your life. Maybe you came here for work opportunities, school, or any number of other reasons. But no matter why you’re here, it’s critical that you get connected to your new community so that you can make the most of your life here. Of course, if you have family still in Ukraine, you want to stay in touch with them, as well, so you’ve got a bit of a balancing act on your hands. But it doesn’t have to be stressful!


Below, Glocally Connected provides some practical advice for how you can get to know your community and stay connected to your family as a Ukrainian immigrant in the U.S.


Sending Cash and Goods Home  


If you moved to the States so that you can help support family members in your home country, one practical way to do that is to send cash or goods. These days, there are many reliable methods of sending money abroad, whether it’s to Ukraine, the Dominican Republic, the Philippines, India or anywhere else for that matter. Checks, money orders, and prepaid cards are still popular. But perhaps the fastest and most reliable way to get money to your home country is to use a transfer service. For example, if you plan to support your family home in Ukraine, you can securely send funds and the recipient can get the money within a few hours.


Along with money, shipping goods back home is an excellent way to show love and support to people back home. Put together a thoughtful care package to send. It can include anything your family members need, want, or have shown interest in. Food, medicine, gifts, and sentimental items are common for care packages.


If your goal is to start your own business as part of your own American Dream, one of the first steps is deciding how to structure your operation. Many small business owners choose to form as a limited liability company (LLC) because of the protection of personal assets. Other benefits of running an LLC is decreased paperwork and the tax advantages over, for example, a corporate structure. Online formation services make the process simple and provide excellent customer service, and they’re much more affordable than a pricey attorney.


Utilizing Technology


We live in the digital age, which means there are countless technologies to help us stay connected to loved ones. Digital Trends suggests looking into the various video chat apps and social media platforms on the market for communicating with your family. Using social media also happens to be an excellent method of meeting people in your new community; just make sure you learn about which platforms are best for your goals.




The primary purpose of volunteering is to serve others. And through serving, you can play a role in improving the lives of those in your community. But volunteering also provides the opportunity to meet new people with whom you share interests, and it can even help you discover new passions you never knew you had.


Saying Yes to Socializing


When you’re new to a country, you may be tempted to keep to yourself a little bit, especially if you’re not fluent in the native language. Don’t let that happen. The only way you can settle into a community is meeting people and, as Inciting Altruism notes, giving new friendships a chance. If someone invites you to an activity or event in the community, say yes! If you’re invited to coffee, say yes. Even if it’s awkward at first, this is how you will find your crew and get the most out of your new community!


Coming to the States can open your life up to opportunity. But it can also be challenging to settle in and find community. Along with considering the advice above, keep researching other ways that you can get involved and form relationships in your new community while also staying connected to family back in Ukraine. Before long, you’ll be settled into your community and thriving!


Glocally Connected is transforming refugees’ lives, changing public attitudes for the better, and connecting diverse populations within the same community. Connect with us today to find out more!


Sharon Wagner